Autumn Transitions
It’s been yet another year of transitions. I don’t think you can expect to NOT have some significant changes in a year. 365 days is a long time.
But who could have imagined a pandemic?
2020 has proven to be the most challenging year (I know I’m not alone!) I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and I’m fast approaching the half-century mark (along with an abundance of gray hair). This devotion below was updated for 2020.
During a tumultuous year, Psalm 1 continues to be a beautiful verse to meditate.
… like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. — Psalm 1:3 NIV
September 23 marked another change in season during the year. The slightly cooler weather is a relief from the hot, scorching days of summer. In a couple of weeks, the most noticeable changes will occur in the trees. The leaves seem to almost magically transform to orange, yellow, and red. One day you may be driving or walking and all of a sudden you’ll notice the colorful array of trees along the road, in the park or around your house. Gradually one by one each leaf will make its way to the ground and some of us will have to dig out the rake from the back of the garage.
Since I spend quite a bit of time on the internet, I decided to do a little research. My topic of interest … why do the leaves change colors in the fall? After doing some reading, I started thinking what a cool process!
Science lesson on photosynthesis
When God created the world, he equipped each creature and plant with special features. Remember the procedure involved in “photosynthesis.” Probably not … I sure didn’t. 🙂 Plants use a combination of water, carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce glucose (food). The glucose provides the plants with energy and also aids in its’ growth. A chemical called chlorophyll is also apart of the photosynthesis process and gives the leaves their green color during the summer.
When the season of autumn arrives, the days are get shorter. As the lack of sunlight occurs, the trees start to prepare for winter by shutting down the glucose-producing process. All the glucose that was made during the summer helps the trees to survive during the winter. Since the photosynthesis process is essentially going on vacation, the green chlorophyll will fade allowing us to see the yellow and orange colors that really have been there all along.
Ok, now that I’ve have given you a serious biology review let’s go back to this comparison between people and trees.
Storing up for the winter … our next transition
Generally during the summer months, we get to spend quite a bit of time doing things we enjoy. People pack up and go on vacation, the beaches are packed and barbecues are smoking in the backyard. I know you have had those periods of time in your life when everything is just good. When things are going good, sometimes we can get too relaxed. The lazy days of summer can be become the lazy days of spending time with our source, God.
Let me make a note, that these lazy days (or days of rest) can occur at any time of the year, not necessarily during the summer.
Notice all summer, the trees are constantly connected to God. They spend their days preparing for the coming cold, harsh months. As autumn arrives, despite the shutting down going on within a tree, it’s majestic in it’s rainbow of yellows, oranges, reds and browns. Even after, the tree is stripped of this spectacular display beauty in the winter, the stored glucose keeps it going until the spring for a new cycle.
How have you been spending your time?
Are you consistently spending time with God?
Are you storing up some spiritual “glucose” for the harsh times in your life (like a 2020)?
When we can reach within like that tree and connect with feed off our stored up spiritual “glucose,” we can survive our trials and tests.
Oh by the way, when we accepted Jesus in our hearts, did you know our color changed too! Read the verse below to find out the color … hint … we’re covered by it!
And they sang a new song: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. — Revelation 5:9
CREDITS: Why Do Leaves Change Colors in the Fall?
This devotion was originally written in 2000. It was modified in 2020 by author Tyora Moody.
I am definitely going to add some meat around Psalm 1, the Scripture you listed above and share it during my ministry meeting next month. I enjoy Science and plant life so I have heard of photosynthesis as well as chlorophyll. Spelling both these words is another challenge so thanks..LOL
I’m grateful for this stay in place it has allowed me to spend more time in my word in many different ways. Not just with my church but other places of worship I’ve always wanted to attend. Plus having Bible study and Blanket & Bible events have been a blessing. My glucose tank is filling and I will continue to absorb as much as I can for another period of hybernation.